QRZ! Ham Radio 11
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 11.iso
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NASA SELECT rebroadcast frequencies
Town/City State 2m 70cm Source
AMSAT OSCAR 145.945 -
145.955 -
Kitchener,Ont. Ca 146.865 445.760 jtrimble@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca
Birmingham, AL 145.380 -
145.150 -
Huntsville, AL 145.100 -
147.100 -
Phoenix, AZ - 448.975
- 449.000
Tucson, AZ - 448.625
Los Angeles, CA 145.320 445.400
145.460 445.425
224.040 -
224.940 446.575
- 447.000
- 447.025
- 447.400
- 447.475
- 448.375
- 448.500
- 448.650
- 449.000
Monterey, CA - 443.300
Mountain View, CA 145.585 - fariss@kronos.arc.nasa.gov
Pasadena, CA 224.040 -
Sacramento, CA 147.195 444.750 chandler@beagle
147.404 443.925 chandler@beagle
San Diego, CA 146.640 443.400
- 449.450
- 448.625
San Francisco, CA 145.585 444.775 trop@hls.com
- 443.300 trop@hls.com
San Jose, CA 145.585 443.300 trop@hls.com
Santa Barbara, CA - 449.000
Santa Cruz, CA - 444.300 trop@hls.com
Ventura/Oxnard, CA 146.655 -
Connecticut, CT - 448.425
Washington, DC 147.450 -
Cape Canaveral, FL 146.940 -
Jacksonville, FL 147.120 -
Melbourne, FL 145.170 - Sorry, can't make out address
Merritt Island, FL 146.940 -
Vero Beach, FL 145.130 -
Atlanta, GA 146.655 -
147.345 -
Ashburn, GA 147.285 -
Forsyth, GA 147.915 -
Champaign, IL 146.880 - jtg0707@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu
Chicago, IL 145.210 -
145.350 -
Downers Grove, IL 145.350 -
Cedar Rapids, IA 146.400 444.300
York, ME 224.840 -
Portland, ME 146.925 -
Mpls/St.Paul MN 145.150 - penson@geom.umn.edu
147.120 -
149.200 -
Waseca, MN 147.450 427.250
South Brunswick,NJ - 443.400 kb2ear@kb2ear.ampr.org
Southern NM, NM - 448.625
- 448.650
- 448.675
- 448.975
- 449.000
Las Vegas, NV - 449.000
Albany, NY 146.820 -
Kings Park, NY 145.430 - popovich@adam.cs.columbia.edu
Akron, OH 147.330 - macy@fmsystm.ncoast.org
Cleveland, OH 147.195 - macy@fmsystm.ncoast.org
Dayton, OH 145.110 -
Greenville, OH 416.790 -
Dallas, TX 146.600 448.750 dwd@doe1.uta.edu
El Paso, TX - 448.650
Ft. Worth, TX 145.310 448.750 dwd@doe1.uta.edu
Houston, TX 146.640 -
171.150 -
Wausau, WI 146.820 -
147.060 -
Salt Lake City, UT - 448.625
Cedar City, UT - 448.650
Thanks for all the replies.
The list above is what I have after some digging.
I have to assume these frequencies are current and functioning until being
told otherwise, as I have no real way of verifying them.
I have also receive some informations on the video retransmissions and SSB/HF
retransmissions. I've decided not to include them at this time due to time
constraints and concentrated mainly on 2m and 70cm bands. There are some non-
amateur band frequencies that I've decided to include as part of the list;
you may find them useful if your HT can receive them.
AMSAT OSCAR may be very useful. I can't receive anything on those frequencies.
A local ham informed me that I need a very high gain antenna to receive anything
from satellites.
If you do get something from OSCAR, or any other 2m/70cm rebroadcasts from
satellites, please drop me a note. I am sure many people outside USA will be
very interested in your setup.
If you are interested in HF/SSB, there is another list available from
N8QLT from compuserve. His email address is 70534,227 on compuserve.
N8QLT's list consists of large collections of aviation band, NASA contractor,
HF/SSB, and 2m/70m frequencies. There is a large overlap between N8QLT's
list and this list.( Not too surprising!)
I think there is a small list of the HF/SSB frequencies that may already exist
in the rec.radio.amateur.misc FAQ. Email ikluft@uts.amdahl.com if you want know
Finally, if you are satellite capable, you can receive NASA SELECT video direct
from GE SATCOM F2R, transopnder 13, C-band, 72 degrees west longitude.
The transponder frequency is 3960 MHz. The audio sub-carrier is at 6.8 MHz.
Vertical polarization.
NASA operates a BBS called NASA SpaceLink with some interesting information on
it. The phone number is 202-267-5697. The IP address for the BBS is for those who prefer internet access.
This list is a compilation from personal emails, local lists, HAM BBS files, and
words of mouth. You may reproduce and/or distribute this list in any form for
non-commercial purposes only. All rules in amateur radio do apply.
Keep sending the frequencies and I'll keep updating the list.